
Saturday 27 May 2017

If our solar system reversed...

A solar system is a system that has a star, that star is a parent to many planets. We have our own solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus & Neptune. If the dwarf planets were included it will be: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Makemake and Eris. In reverse the two gas giants in our solar system, Jupiter & Saturn will be in the habitable/goldilocks zone, this is where life can form. If this happened Earth will be replaced by Saturn while Mercury will be Neptune. If this happens Mercury has the fastest orbit in our solar system so it might be able to gain some heat. Uranus's icy oceans will melt making it evaporate and it will make it a wasteland. Earth's oceans begin to freeze making the temperature -178 degrees Celsius. If the gas giants were in the habitable zone it will still not have the right building blocks, they both don't have a surface.

Thursday 25 May 2017

If I were in charge of the world - Kareem

If I was in charge of the world i would cancel drugs, bush fires, smoking, wars, 5 days of school, less money, and pollution.

If I were in charge of the world 

There'd be big playgrounds , 4 days of school and no more volcanic eruptions.

If I were in charge of the world

You wouldn't be bored

You wouldn't be tired

You wouldn't be lazy.

You wouldn't even have wars.

If I were in charge of the world 

there will be 4 days of school, volcano islands.

If a person sometimes forgot I was in charge

And sometimes forgot to go to school 

Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world.

By Kareem

Sun & Moon animation

Hi, this is an animation about sun & moon, if you think it's not done i've animated it so make sure you click the slide or go to the next slide.

Cya next blog!

Friday 19 May 2017

How to's in space

The universe is a huge world, it has the clusters of galaxies, stars, millions of planets! However the universe has lots of secrets in it. Supernova's are when two stars collide and form a massive energy of light. Gamma rays are 2 supernova's that can be very effective. But today we are watching videos about how to's in space. So here are 5 videos.

Thank you for joining in this blog post!
Blog you later

Sunday 14 May 2017


Buoyancy is the ability or tendency of something to float in water.

For example: There is a ship in the ocean, the ship floats because it has buoyancy meaning it has the ability to float. If the ship gets hit by an iceberg it sinks because it creates a hole where water gets in. The ship becomes denser and loses its ability to float.

Archimedes  principle says that if you put a boat in the ocean the bottom of the boat is displacing water. If you weigh the water that is being displaced, it is equal to the force that pushes the boat upward which makes the boat float.

Example 2: There is 1 bowling ball and 1 basketball, if you put the bowling ball in the water it sinks because it has no air in it and it is solid. If you put the basketball in the water it floats because it has air inside of it.

That's all today,


Friday 12 May 2017

What Earth has to support life!

Hi bloggers, today I will be showing you the things Earth has to support life!
This is a google drawing, it has labels and pictures if you need help.
Trying to make text/font clear.
Thank you for looking at this blog post.

Blog you later!!

PS: I use Google for slides, long stories, drawings and projects

Thursday 11 May 2017

9 timetable

Hello, this is another blog post from Kareem and it is about 9 timetable and it is easy because starting off with 9x2 = 18 then the 1's column subtracts by 1 and the tens column adds by 1. Here are the photos
I got all right. I think I should work on the 12 times table and post it on my awesome blog. 
I got 100% and I got 8/8 questions right!
I think I should work on 2 times tables and post both of them in one post.
I am a master!!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

New Favourite Song!!

This is the best song I know Candyland-Tobu it is very cool and also Hope & Infectious


Mathletics - Roman Numerals to 1000

Hi, this is my post about Mathletics and it is about comparing while trying to add & subtract.
I've been learning to compare roman numerals. This is the key I = 1, V = 5 X = 10 L = 50 C = 100 D = 500 M = 1000. Putting numbers before a bigger number takes it away by the number before it eg. XIX = 19
Here is the screenshot.

I got a tick for getting it right if you look at the top it is Number Knowledge and Place Value - Converting to Roman Numerals to 1000.

LOTD: Mathletics
QOTD: What is your favourite school subject?
SOTD: Maths

Bye cool bloggers! 🆒

Monday 8 May 2017

This is my recount about what I did in the holidays.