
Monday 26 July 2021

Science again

 The Bunsen burner


1. Put a heat mat down and put the Bunsen burner on top of it.

2.  Plug the hose into the gas tap.

3. Turn the bottom part until the hole is covered. 

4. Place the tripod on top of the Bunsen burner.

5. Put the gauze mat on top of the tripod

Equipment needed:

1. Heat mat

2. Bunsen burner

3. Safety glasses

4. Tripod

5. Gauze mat


1. The hottest part of the flame is the inner flame.

2. The order of lighting a Bunsen burner is light the match first then turn on the tap.


1. Where is the broken glass put? In the broken glass bin.

2. How do you stop all class gas taps? Red emergency button.

3. Where is the fire extinguisher? By the door that goes outdoors.

4. When should you wear safety glasses? When you are around a Bunsen burner.

Monday 5 July 2021

Stop Motion Animation

 For the past few weeks in art, James, Jaden & I have been making stop motion animations. It is about an alien that falls from the sky and gets injured, he tries to relax on a rock but something weird happens. Here is the animation.

Thursday 1 July 2021

Venus Flytraps

 A Venus flytrap is a carnivorous plant that eats bugs and insects. How does it work?

There are tiny hairs on the leaf of the Venus flytrap and bugs will be drawn to the smell of the nectar that the Venus flytrap makes. When the plant senses that there is a bug on it, it makes the plant to snap shut trapping the bug inside it.

Once the Venus flytrap closes, the plant secretes digestive enzymes. These break down the insect into a liquid. The plant then absorbs all the nutrients for food.