
Wednesday 6 November 2019

Sun Smart

Be Sun Smart

Yesterday, we had a guest come to teach about sun safety and why you get sunburnt. 

Lighter colored skin people get sunburnt faster and darker-skinned people get sunburnt slower. This is also why people have light and dark skin, people with darker skin originate from more hotter areas.

Sunburns aren't caused by heat but it's the UV(Ultraviolet) rays that the sun emits damage your skin. The only way you can get sunburnt in winter is by going to a mountain.

From September to March or April especially at 10-4 o clock. You need some defense against these UV rays. Clothes are a great defense because they cover up your skin from the UV rays. The shade is good to protect yourself from UV. Hats and sunblock are good to protect you from UV rays too.

The tips of your ears, your neck, and your arms are vulnerable to UV rays.

Hats with holes in them are bad because UV rays can still go through the holes.

Even if you don't get sunburnt the UV rays will still damage your skin increasing chances of skin cancer! Getting sunburnt a lot when you're young will increase your chance of skin cancer when you're older. Using sunbeds are very dangerous because your chances of skin cancer will skyrocket!

The reason why you get a tan is that your skin is crying for help and they make melanin to protect itself. 

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