Hello everyone, today in Counting The Beat Jaden, James, Nathan & I made music about percussion. We used an abacus, beanbags and we also used buttons on our keyboard. Press this button to play the music.
Tuesday, 30 March 2021
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Gummy Bear Osmosis
Aim: I want to find out what happens to gummy bears when we put them into different solutions.
Prediction: They will dissolve into the solution.
- 4 gummy bears of the same colour
- 2 petri dishes
- 1 marker pen
- water
- sugar water
- salt water
- electronic balance
- beaker
- measuring cylinder
Hurumanu 1 Heroes
Hey everyone, today I am making a blog post to show most of the work I did in Hurumanu 1. Hurumanu 1 is about heroes and what are some of the characteristics of a hero. Here is what I wrote:
In Nga Tangata, Hurumanu 1 we studied the lives of some local, national and international heroes. A hero is a person or a group who is admired for their heroic acts or achievements. I made some slides about six sporting heroes. They were Ryan Nelsen, Chelsea Bremner, Richie McCaw, Valeria Adams, Lebron James and Serena Williams.
I also made some slides about a local hero named Don Beaven and he helped with Diabetes treatment & prevention in Christchurch. We read about a musical group called Crowded House. They were said to be ‘Heroes for One Day!’ when they performed in Christchurch recently. We discussed the meaning of ‘Hero Worship’. The Hero I worship is Cyborg. Some of the earthquake heroes from the 2011 Christchurch Earthquake were George Piper, Tony Tamekahau, Joseph Tehau Rohio, Evan McLellan and Kent Huxford.
I also wrote about myself as a superhero. My alias was Zoom, here is my story:
Hi, I’m Zoom. I am a social guy and I never get to school late! I am still getting used to controlling my speed, I can actually slow down time but it sometimes happens at the wrong times. Like I had a test and I finished early, there were ten minutes left but I accidentally slowed down time and it took a whole hour!
Thursday, 18 March 2021
Aim: To use water to extract the dye from skittles using the process of chromatography.
1. 5 Skittles
2. Water
3. Petri dish
4. Beaker
Step 1: Place the skittles into the petri dish around the edges.
Step 2: Pour 100ml water gently into the middle of the petri dish.
Why do they bleed out at the same rate? It has the same amount of dye in it.
Why do the colors not mix together? The water is staying still.
Monday, 8 March 2021
My lnvention
Hi everyone, in Hurumanu 3 we have been creating our own invention and l created a teleporting machine so you can get to places easier. Here is the information.
Name of invention: Teleporter
Purpose: lt can teleport you to the other teleport chamber.
What is it made of: It is made out of steel and it has special crystals to help the lasers detect you easier.
How does it operate: Once you press the green button, the door will close and it will start a ten second countdown until you teleport. If there is something in the teleport chamber you want to teleport to, when the timer reaches zero, both of you will teleport. The lasers will help to detect what to teleport.
Does it need charging/emptying/refilling: You need to charge it for 1 hour to get one teleport. You can get a maximum of 50 teleports at once.
Who would use it/Where would it be used: They will cost $50,000 so only rich people can buy them. Maybe the rich people will use it to get to the second floor.
Hi everyone, in Hurumanu 3 we have been learning about the clocks, clocks are one of the inventions that changed the world. I have a google doc and google slide to share.

The Wheel
Hello everyone, for the past week in Hurumanu 3 we have been learning the history of the wheel. The wheel is an invention that changed the world. I made a google doc of the history of the wheel and how the wheel is used today.
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
My best songs
Blinding Lights is my favourite song from last year it was very fun to listen to. My dad also liked it because he was a kid in the 80s and it sounded like 80s music.
Can't Stop The Feeling I remember we did a dance to it in primary and it was one of my favourite songs.
See You Again is one of my favourite songs from when I was in primary school and I remember I kept singing it in the car.
Athletics Activities
Hi everyone, for the past few weeks we have been practicing for athletics, what we did in athletics was Long Jump, High Jump, Sprints, Shot Put, Discus & Relays. We are going to have athletics day tomorrow.
I tried the relays for the first time and it was fun and it is different than sprints because your whole team needs to be good and you can't win if it's just one person good in your team.
I enjoyed sprints the most because I got to race my friends and see who was the fastest.
I improved on the long jump and discus the most because in primary school I was quite bad at it.
I would like to do more sprints next time because I haven't been practicing my sprints much.
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
Hands on Fire
I want to safely light my hands on fire.
Activity: In pairs we need to come up with a list of 5 safety things that need to be considered when doing this experiment.
1. Fire extinguisher
2. Safety glasses
3. Tie up any long hair
4. Remove jewellery
5. Keep the fire away from flammable items
1. Collect your equipment.
2. Pour some water into the tray.
3. Squirt some detergent into the water.
4. Put on your safety glasses.
5. Tie up any long hair.
6. Take off any jewellery.
7. Wet your hands, wrists and arms.
8. Bubble the gas into the water.
9. Scoop the bubbles but not the water.
10. Hold the bubbles in front of your face with your arms locked.
What my senses say about this experiment:
I saw a big flame in my hands.
I felt a bit of burning on my hand but it wasn't too painful. I also felt a bit nervous when I was about to go.
I heard people react to the fire.
I smelled burnt toast on my hand after the fire was gone.