Hi everyone, in science Jaren Elias & I made an egg lander to protect the egg from breaking as we dropped it from the balcony. Our egg didn't break so that was good.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
Egg Drop Challenge
Friday, 30 October 2020
Sunken Forest Bookmark
One of our activities for sunken forest is a bookmark for it. It has the eel picture from my previous blog post on it.
Sunken Forest Giant Eel
One of our activities for sunken forest is making the giant eel named Elsa, here it is.
Thursday, 29 October 2020
1. Is gravity the same on all planets? No, it depends on the planet's mass. Venus has similar gravity as Earth because it almost has the same mass and size as Earth. Jupiter has such a strong gravity that it will pin you to the ground if you go there.
2. How is gravity related to mass? The more mass a planet has, the stronger it's gravity will be.
3. Which planet would you weigh the most on? Weight is the amount you are being pulled down by gravity. You would weigh over two times more in Jupiter because of it's strong gravity.
4. How would your life be different if you lived on a planet with a higher gravity than a lower gravity? You might be stronger on the planet with higher gravity because you are always exposed to heavy things. I think it will be harder to live on a high gravity planet than a low gravity planet. If you were on a lower gravity, you might need things to pull objects down to prevent them from flying away.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Friday, 23 October 2020
Freeze frames
Last week in drama we were doing freeze frames in groups of five and we were doing it about the bully script. We also learnt some techniques.
Levels - Someone can be sitting down, another can be on their knees and one can be standing up.
Spacial relationships - If two people are next to other and one person is far away from them then it looks like they are being left out but if everyone is together it looks like they are friends.
Facial expressions - How you are feeling shown on your face and it needs to be exaggerated because in freeze frames you can't talk.
Gesture - Gesture is your actions.
Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Friday, 25 September 2020
Script Detective
BootThursday, 24 September 2020
Business & Enterprise Kete
Business & Enterprise
For the past 3 weeks we have been involved in the Business & Enterprise Kete.
My role in this has been a Marketing Manager and I was in charge of all the advertising and pricing of our product.
My company was called JKCI Cookies, we combined the first letters of the people in our company which is: Jaren, Kareem, Corbyn, Isaiah.
Our product was Brown Sugar Cookies.
My reflection on how the business went overall is we did great because we managed to sell all of our cookies and make a profit. Not many people were buying at the start, but then we made a sale and halved our prices to $1 for large cookie, 50c for a small cookie.
My reflection on the overall Business & Enterprise is it was very fun to sell the cookies and it is a cool way to understand how a business works.
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Friday, 11 September 2020
Wednesday, 9 September 2020
Multiplying by 10's, 100's, 1000's
Hey everyone, here I have made a slide presentation for my maths. This is a multiplying strategy for 10's 100's and 1000's
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
Emotional Awareness
In the last two weeks we have looked at Resilience - Emotional Awareness (understanding emotions) and Impulses. These things mean that impulses are the ability to control our behaviour and it is important to control
Being able to control my emotions in different situations avoids getting in trouble, getting mad at people or getting into fights.
Knowing how to react and respond in situations rather than acting on impulses means that you would think and react more positively.
The effect that these things have on my Social Wellbeing is that if we can control our emotions then we can have better connections and relationships with other people.
Monday, 27 July 2020
Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset

I experienced fixed mindset when I was playing a game and it was hard to get something so I just gave up.
To make sure you have growth mindset when you are about to give up you should just keep trying and think positively.
Friday, 12 June 2020
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Philippines Independence Day
Philippines Independence Day