Orana Park
Yesterday, the whole Takitini hub went to Orana Park and it was all free!
We visited the Tasmanian devils and we learned that they are nocturnal. An interesting fact was that they can give animals a type of infectious cancer through its bite. A Tasmanian devil's life expectancy is about 6-7 years old. Pumba is 8 years old and he is the oldest Tasmanian devil.
A Tasmanian devil sleeping |
We saw a tiger and Elizabeth the teacher said that tigers are endangered and there are only a few thousand wild tigers left.
We visited the lions, there were five lions in the cage and they feed them many kinds of meat. The male lions don't have any manes because they don't have the hormone to grow a mane and all of the energy to grow a mane just goes into the growth.
Lions in the cage |
When we visited the spider monkeys, Elizabeth said that the difference between apes and monkeys are that monkeys have a tail and they have longer legs and shorter arms. Apes don't have tails, longer arms, and shorter legs.
When we were walking over to the kea, a vehicle was passing by and a bird was making noises at the vehicle. Keas had a bad reputation and one time the government put a bounty on them because they were such a pest. They are also an intelligent bird with an IQ of a 3 or 4-year-old.
After lunch, we went to the farm place, we saw chickens, llamas, pigs a peacock that was spreading its feathers and that bird that was making that weird sound.
I also learned that white rhinos are named white rhino because there is a word in Afrikaans that sounds like white and it actually means wide. Rhinos are getting hunted for their horns.
An animal called the waterbuck needs to drink water every single day. Animals followed the waterbuck because they always knew how to get water.
When we visited the cheetahs, we couldn't find any and the whole class had to look for them. After a while, we were on our way to the gorillas and we saw the cheetahs! They were far away and they were near the pole. I really wanted to see them run, but they didn't run.
When we went over to the gorillas, they were resting and they acted like they were humans. Did you know that they share 98% of human DNA with us, humans?
We walked over to the orangutans on the other side. One was covered in a sheet and the other orangutan looked like it was hugging the other orangutan. Meanwhile, the other orangutan was eating grass.
The trip was fun, I wish I could go back again.